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Office of Human Resources

The Office of Human Resources (in Polish - Dział Spraw Pracowniczych) is responsible for all affairs related to employment and remuneration of both academic and non-academic staff, as well as "external" staff temporarily employed at the Poznan University of Medical Sciences.

The Office deals with the formalities related to the employment contract, especially to the start of the employment, the necessary documentation and records, issue of employment certificates, cessation of employment, social and health insurance arrangements, retirement and pension/allowance, paid and unpaid leave, calculating remuneration, allowances and other staff benefits, calculation and payment of social and health insurance contributions, temporary contracts payroll for both University staff and "external" contractors, fulfilment of tax obligations with regard to natural persons' income tax, writing reports on employment and payroll for the Central Statistical Office and the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as analyses and registers for the University's purposes.

Maciej Stachowiak, MA, PhD (mstachowiak@ump.edu.pl, +48 618546211)